Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1730.04.02

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Index Entry Cirales are prais'd, not that abound [fl] 
Location Philadelphia 
26 Mar-2 Apr 1730:11, 21 (535)
[The following verses appear amidst a lengthy discourse on
life and death in an anonymous letter to the editor
. . . [6 lines discourse] 
  Cirales are prais'd, not that abound
  In largeness, but th' exactly round;
  So life we praise that does excel
  Not in much time, but acting well.
. . . [102 lines, discourse, then the following lines
to Dorax]
  He looks uneasy at his future journey
  And wishes his boots off again, for fear
  of a bad road, and a worse inn at night.
. . . [3 lines, discourse, then the following lines
attributed to Don Sebastian]
  O these come up with spirits more resolv'd!
  Old venerable Alvarez, well I know him.
  See he has drawn a black, and smiles upon it, 
  As who should say my faith and soul are white, 
  Tho' my lot swarthy: Now if there be hereafter, 
  He's happy. 

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1730.04.02 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1730 
Bibliography B0000741
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